THE JavaScript boilerplate created to help you launch your product fast and make $


Review all of the FAQs prior to purchase.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

We Buy Once. Without a subscription. But with updates.

When you buy once, no subscription is required, and you still get all the updates.

What is it?

This is THE best, already-configured, boilerplate out there. It's built on top of Next. Also, it's got unique non-template design, unlike the others.

Tailwind, Dark & Light themes out-of-the-box.

You get Dark & Light themes out-of-the-box, and many other design features from Tailwind and Daisy UI, which come already pre-configured for you.

Database, Authentication, Email, built-in.

Comes with MongoDB as default, Supabase is also available. Comes with Next Auth for user authentication as default, and Passport is also available. Comes with Mailgun for emails as default, and Sendgrid is also available.

Charge with Stripe.

Comes with Stripe all-ready for you to launch your product and start charging your customers. Just enter your own key into the pre-defined environment variable.

Components included.

We've included many different, already built-in and pre-configured, components that come with every copy of our software.

Clean code. With instructions and examples.

This boilerplate has clean code and is full of instructions and examples (for user authentication, for instance) for you to not only be able to launch your product fast, but also learn along the way. Clean code also makes it super easy for you to add your own features according to your own product's specific requirements.

You won't look back.

Even if you bought a competitor's boilerplate, we still think you'll be happy when you decide to purchase ours. You won't look back and even throw away the old one.